For years, my email inbox has been filled with requests for advice on how to get a job in the NBA. To help answer this question, I wrote an article with my thoughts: "How to Get a Job in the NBA". It's become the most popular article I've written, by far. But instead of it answering people's questions, it's produced even more requests for advice, as people seek more specific things they can do to help them break into the league.

The amount of email I get on the subject has had me mostly paralyzed, since I could never respond to all of it. One response to one person wouldn't seem to be doing much good. But then I realized something: if I could take that response and post it publicly, it could help far more than the one person it was directed to.

So whenever I answer an email asking for advice, I will post my response here, as well as email it out to anyone on the mailing list. I hope it helps!

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