2024-25 Season

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Damian Lillard
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Team Efficiency and Four Factors

The orange/blue numbers show the percentile rank compared to all lineups with at least 100 possessions played.
Percentiles for the "Totals" row are compared to player on-court data. This is because the samples in lineups are generally very small, so the percentiles for the totals wouldn't properly convey how good or bad each stat is.
Only lineups with at least 15 possessions played are displayed.
FT Rate
FT Rate
Totals 4341 58 +0.8 68 116.5 76 56.3% 82 12.9% 5 22.2% 87 21.7 44 115.7 63 53.9% 6 11.6% 81 26.1% 71 17.9
D.Lill A.Jack T.Prin G.Ante B.Lope 653 35 -2.2 26 110.9 53 57.1% 35 14.9% 35 23.6% 23 14.3 52 113.0 35 56.0% 39 13.0% 80 22.6% 54 15.8
D.Lill T.Prin K.Kuzm G.Ante B.Lope 428 56 +6.7 47 116.4 60 58.1% 45 14.3% 24 22.4% 39 16.5 62 109.6 64 52.7% 8 9.4% 92 20.3% 72 13.7
D.Lill G.Tren T.Prin G.Ante B.Lope 388 44 +1.3 69 122.4 72 60.3% 83 10.8% 2 15.0% 96 30.4 21 121.1 43 55.1% 16 10.5% 48 27.4% 10 23.6
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren B.Port B.Lope 250 86 +20.4 71 122.8 81 61.4% 66 12.4% 15 19.6% 21 14.3 86 102.4 86 48.7% 12 10.0% 76 23.1% 50 16.4
D.Lill A.Gree T.Prin G.Ante B.Lope 225 81 +16.9 41 115.1 23 52.3% 62 12.9% 16 20.3% 95 28.2 93 98.2 96 45.5% 28 11.9% 90 20.8% 23 20.5
D.Lill G.Tren T.Prin B.Port B.Lope 167 49 +3.7 65 120.4 68 59.7% 43 14.4% 25 22.5% 70 20.8 35 116.7 58 53.6% 21 11.1% 22 31.0% 96 7.9
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren G.Ante B.Lope 108 82 +17.7 79 125.9 84 62.0% 50 13.9% 11 18.8% 85 23.9 68 108.3 93 46.8% 13 10.1% 16 32.4% 81 12.6
D.Lill A.Jack K.Midd G.Ante B.Lope 96 -4.5 107.3 48.9% 5.2% 25.0% 12.9 111.8 59.6% 12.9% 14.6% 14.1
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren K.Kuzm J.Sims 92 -27.2 101.1 40.1% 12.0% 26.4% 34.6 128.3 67.5% 14.1% 18.9% 12.5
D.Lill A.Jack T.Prin B.Port B.Lope 84 -6.8 117.9 62.3% 10.7% 9.4% 18.8 124.7 55.9% 9.9% 32.6% 7.1
D.Lill G.Tren K.Midd B.Port B.Lope 77 -22.0 110.4 57.3% 13.0% 15.2% 22.6 132.4 63.0% 13.5% 22.9% 15.9
D.Lill G.Tren K.Midd G.Ante B.Lope 64 +25.1 115.6 57.4% 14.1% 15.4% 42.6 90.5 39.7% 6.3% 18.6% 19.0
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren K.Kuzm B.Lope 63 -41.1 103.2 50.0% 17.5% 15.2% 22.6 144.3 64.7% 11.5% 29.6% 24.1
D.Lill A.Jack T.Prin K.Kuzm B.Lope 61 +7.3 126.2 64.7% 19.7% 41.7% 23.5 119.0 59.0% 12.1% 23.1% 20.0
D.Lill A.Gree K.Midd G.Ante B.Port 56 +30.3 126.8 55.9% 12.5% 27.6% 27.5 96.5 38.5% 12.3% 24.2% 37.5
D.Lill R.Roll T.Prin G.Ante B.Lope 51 +41.3 149.0 65.6% 11.8% 38.1% 37.8 107.7 56.1% 13.5% 12.5% 24.4
D.Lill G.Tren T.Prin G.Ante B.Port 50 -7.5 116.0 62.5% 10.0% 9.5% 20.0 123.5 61.5% 23.5% 41.7% 8.3
D.Lill G.Tren P.Conn B.Port B.Lope 49 +7.2 120.4 49.0% 16.3% 34.5% 20.0 113.2 51.0% 7.5% 27.6% 18.0
D.Lill A.Gree K.Kuzm G.Ante B.Lope 44 +41.2 127.3 55.6% 4.5% 22.7% 13.3 86.0 42.9% 18.6% 27.3% 20.0
D.Lill A.Gree A.Jack T.Prin B.Lope 42 +21.0 138.1 80.3% 14.3% 7.7% 15.2 117.1 51.4% 12.2% 28.6% 27.0
D.Lill A.Gree K.Midd G.Ante B.Lope 37 -17.4 118.9 65.5% 18.9% 41.7% 20.7 136.4 55.7% 24.2% 55.0% 17.1
D.Lill K.Port A.Gree K.Kuzm J.Sims 37 -24.1 102.7 57.7% 18.9% 18.8% 30.8 126.8 57.9% 7.3% 22.7% 23.7
D.Lill A.Gree T.Prin B.Port B.Lope 37 -10.7 113.5 61.3% 8.1% 6.7% 12.9 124.2 55.9% 15.2% 26.3% 8.8
D.Lill A.Jack K.Midd B.Port B.Lope 36 +11.1 130.6 51.2% 8.3% 40.0% 9.5 119.4 63.2% 11.1% 12.5% 0.0
D.Lill G.Tren P.Conn T.Prin B.Lope 33 +11.6 127.3 62.9% 6.1% 28.6% 9.7 115.6 44.6% 9.4% 40.9% 10.8
D.Lill A.Gree T.Prin G.Ante B.Port 31 +35.1 122.6 56.7% 6.5% 25.0% 13.3 87.5 43.5% 9.4% 28.6% 3.2
D.Lill A.Gree P.Conn B.Port B.Lope 29 -3.6 93.1 38.5% 10.3% 21.1% 26.9 96.7 45.7% 23.3% 30.8% 34.8
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren K.Midd B.Lope 29 -45.8 82.8 45.5% 10.3% 0.0% 18.2 128.6 69.2% 10.7% 23.1% 0.0
D.Lill A.Jack K.Midd G.Ante B.Port 27 +27.0 137.0 67.5% 11.1% 18.2% 50.0 110.0 50.0% 10.0% 18.8% 22.2
D.Lill G.Tren K.Midd G.Ante B.Port 26 +4.0 100.0 43.5% 11.5% 20.0% 26.1 96.0 42.5% 16.0% 33.3% 35.0
D.Lill A.Jack T.Prin G.Ante B.Port 25 -28.0 120.0 47.6% 20.0% 27.3% 47.6 148.0 55.8% 8.0% 41.7% 30.8
D.Lill G.Tren T.Prin K.Midd B.Lope 24 -59.8 75.0 30.0% 8.3% 14.3% 30.0 134.8 56.2% 13.0% 46.2% 16.7
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren T.Prin B.Lope 23 -49.0 78.3 45.0% 13.0% 15.4% 0.0 127.3 60.5% 13.6% 30.0% 26.3
D.Lill A.Gree T.Prin K.Kuzm B.Lope 21 -14.8 95.2 29.4% 9.5% 28.6% 58.8 110.0 52.5% 25.0% 35.7% 5.0
D.Lill P.Conn T.Prin B.Port B.Lope 21 -13.2 109.5 55.0% 19.0% 30.0% 5.0 122.7 54.5% 9.1% 30.8% 13.6
D.Lill A.Gree A.Jack G.Ante B.Lope 21 -46.0 109.5 53.1% 19.0% 25.0% 37.5 155.6 66.7% 11.1% 12.5% 22.2
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren T.Prin B.Port 21 +62.3 166.7 65.9% 4.8% 25.0% 27.3 104.3 44.4% 13.0% 36.4% 44.4
D.Lill G.Tren A.Jack G.Ante B.Lope 20 +0.5 110.0 58.8% 10.0% 0.0% 17.6 109.5 56.2% 4.8% 11.1% 31.3
D.Lill G.Tren T.Prin K.Kuzm B.Port 18 -62.0 122.2 47.2% 16.7% 40.0% 27.8 184.2 73.8% 10.5% 62.5% 19.0
D.Lill A.Gree A.Jack B.Port B.Lope 18 +22.2 111.1 58.8% 16.7% 33.3% 0.0 88.9 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren G.Ante B.Port 18 -12.5 150.0 70.6% 22.2% 42.9% 17.6 162.5 52.8% 18.8% 54.5% 38.9
D.Lill G.Tren T.Prin K.Kuzm B.Lope 18 -7.2 127.8 39.1% 5.6% 37.5% 21.7 135.0 52.5% 0.0% 33.3% 30.0
D.Lill A.Gree P.Conn T.Prin G.Ante 17 -57.6 82.4 45.0% 11.8% 0.0% 50.0 140.0 47.4% 0.0% 25.0% 15.8
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren P.Conn B.Port 16 -109.8 68.8 34.6% 25.0% 33.3% 15.4 178.6 83.3% 14.3% 20.0% 41.7
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren P.Conn B.Lope 15 -25.0 100.0 36.7% 20.0% 30.0% 26.7 125.0 67.9% 0.0% 0.0% 7.1
D.Lill P.Conn T.Prin G.Ante B.Port 15 -45.0 80.0 26.9% 20.0% 20.0% 38.5 125.0 70.0% 18.8% 0.0% 60.0
D.Lill K.Port G.Tren K.Kuzm J.Sims 15 +72.9 180.0 79.2% 0.0% 0.0% 66.7 107.1 50.0% 35.7% 37.5% 15.4
D.Lill G.Tren P.Conn G.Ante B.Port 14 -34.5 107.1 53.6% 7.1% 55.6% 0.0 141.7 56.7% 8.3% 25.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree A.Jack T.Prin B.Port 14 -42.9 107.1 45.0% 0.0% 0.0% 60.0 150.0 83.3% 7.1% 0.0% 8.3
D.Lill R.Roll K.Midd G.Ante B.Lope 14 -50.0 100.0 50.0% 14.3% 25.0% 40.0 150.0 62.5% 14.3% 33.3% 50.0
D.Lill M.Beau P.Conn G.Ante B.Port 14 +128.6 142.9 53.8% 7.1% 37.5% 46.2 14.3 0.0% 14.3% 8.3% 16.7
D.Lill G.Tren T.Prin K.Midd G.Ante 13 -20.3 115.4 63.6% 15.4% 28.6% 9.1 135.7 56.7% 7.1% 44.4% 13.3
D.Lill G.Tren T.Prin K.Kuzm G.Ante 13 -92.3 69.2 31.8% 7.7% 0.0% 18.2 161.5 80.8% 15.4% 33.3% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree A.Jack G.Ante B.Port 13 +29.7 115.4 65.0% 15.4% 0.0% 20.0 85.7 41.7% 28.6% 42.9% 16.7
D.Lill A.Gree P.Conn G.Ante B.Port 13 -22.4 123.1 60.0% 0.0% 16.7% 40.0 145.5 72.7% 27.3% 25.0% 0.0
D.Lill D.Wrig T.Prin B.Port B.Lope 12 -87.8 58.3 35.0% 16.7% 0.0% 0.0 146.2 70.8% 23.1% 60.0% 16.7
D.Lill D.Wrig P.Conn B.Port B.Lope 12 +5.3 141.7 59.1% 16.7% 50.0% 36.4 136.4 85.7% 9.1% 20.0% 42.9
D.Lill K.Port A.Gree G.Ante B.Lope 12 +43.2 125.0 72.2% 16.7% 0.0% 22.2 81.8 43.8% 18.2% 0.0% 25.0
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren K.Midd G.Ante 12 +20.0 150.0 61.1% 8.3% 0.0% 77.8 130.0 72.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree T.Prin K.Midd G.Ante 12 +55.8 125.0 50.0% 0.0% 40.0% 0.0 69.2 30.0% 0.0% 0.0% 30.0
D.Lill M.Beau K.Midd B.Port B.Lope 12 -5.8 125.0 55.0% 8.3% 20.0% 40.0 130.8 61.5% 7.7% 33.3% 7.7
D.Lill A.Gree P.Conn K.Midd G.Ante 11 +45.5 145.5 72.7% 9.1% 0.0% 0.0 100.0 42.9% 33.3% 40.0% 85.7
D.Lill K.Port T.Prin K.Kuzm B.Lope 11 -100.0 100.0 38.9% 9.1% 28.6% 44.4 200.0 81.8% 0.0% 25.0% 0.0
D.Lill K.Port T.Prin K.Kuzm G.Ante 11 -20.0 100.0 38.9% 0.0% 16.7% 44.4 120.0 60.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill P.Conn T.Prin G.Ante B.Lope 10 +43.3 160.0 77.8% 40.0% 20.0% 22.2 116.7 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 40.0
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren K.Kuzm B.Port 10 +123.1 200.0 66.7% 0.0% 25.0% 0.0 76.9 45.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren T.Prin J.Sims 10 +10.0 110.0 55.0% 20.0% 25.0% 0.0 100.0 43.8% 22.2% 40.0% 25.0
D.Lill P.Conn A.Jack T.Prin B.Lope 10 -60.0 130.0 78.6% 20.0% 0.0% 28.6 190.0 64.3% 0.0% 0.0% 142.9
D.Lill R.Roll A.Gree T.Prin B.Lope 9 +100.0 177.8 71.4% 0.0% 0.0% 85.7 77.8 20.6% 0.0% 57.1% 0.0
D.Lill D.Wrig A.Jack G.Ante B.Port 9 -32.2 77.8 38.9% 22.2% 25.0% 0.0 110.0 50.0% 10.0% 0.0% 57.1
D.Lill D.Wrig A.Jack T.Prin G.Ante 9 +98.9 188.9 88.9% 0.0% 0.0% 11.1 90.0 42.9% 30.0% 40.0% 42.9
D.Lill G.Tren P.Conn G.Ante B.Lope 9 +11.1 166.7 66.7% 22.2% 50.0% 33.3 155.6 55.0% 0.0% 33.3% 30.0
D.Lill G.Tren K.Kuzm G.Ante B.Lope 9 -8.9 111.1 71.4% 11.1% 0.0% 0.0 120.0 50.0% 0.0% 40.0% 0.0
D.Lill K.Port T.Prin K.Kuzm B.Port 9 +8.9 88.9 58.3% 44.4% 0.0% 16.7 80.0 40.0% 10.0% 16.7% 0.0
D.Lill R.Roll K.Midd B.Port B.Lope 9 -55.6 66.7 33.3% 11.1% 16.7% 0.0 122.2 70.0% 22.2% 0.0% 80.0
D.Lill A.Gree P.Conn A.Jack B.Lope 9 +88.9 155.6 77.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 66.7 50.0% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Jack T.Prin K.Midd G.Ante 9 +17.8 177.8 93.8% 22.2% 0.0% 12.5 160.0 57.7% 10.0% 71.4% 7.7
D.Lill R.Roll T.Prin B.Port B.Lope 8 +8.9 137.5 50.0% 12.5% 40.0% 37.5 128.6 57.1% 0.0% 20.0% 14.3
D.Lill P.Conn T.Prin K.Midd G.Ante 8 +8.3 175.0 66.7% 0.0% 40.0% 22.2 166.7 66.7% 0.0% 40.0% 33.3
D.Lill D.Wrig A.Jack B.Port B.Lope 8 +25.0 75.0 41.7% 25.0% 20.0% 16.7 50.0 14.3% 12.5% 16.7% 28.6
D.Lill T.Prin K.Midd G.Ante B.Port 8 +12.5 112.5 60.0% 12.5% 33.3% 60.0 100.0 60.0% 42.9% 0.0% 20.0
D.Lill T.Prin K.Midd G.Ante B.Lope 8 -5.0 125.0 56.2% 25.0% 25.0% 12.5 130.0 72.2% 20.0% 50.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren T.Prin K.Kuzm 8 -17.9 125.0 66.7% 25.0% 100.0% 200.0 142.9 70.0% 0.0% 0.0% 60.0
D.Lill G.Tren A.Jack B.Port B.Lope 8 -141.7 125.0 70.0% 12.5% 0.0% 60.0 266.7 70.0% 0.0% 60.0% 20.0
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren A.Jack B.Lope 8 -12.5 137.5 90.0% 25.0% 0.0% 40.0 150.0 75.0% 0.0% 50.0% 50.0
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren G.Ante J.Sims 7 -28.6 171.4 85.7% 14.3% 100.0% 0.0 200.0 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 40.0
D.Lill A.Gree T.Prin K.Midd B.Lope 7 -14.3 71.4 41.7% 14.3% 0.0% 0.0 85.7 41.7% 14.3% 20.0% 16.7
D.Lill D.Wrig T.Prin G.Ante B.Port 7 0.0 114.3 42.9% 0.0% 25.0% 28.6 114.3 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 14.3
D.Lill G.Tren P.Conn K.Midd B.Lope 7 +58.9 171.4 78.6% 0.0% 0.0% 14.3 112.5 43.8% 12.5% 40.0% 25.0
D.Lill G.Tren A.Jack T.Prin B.Lope 6 -166.7 33.3 33.3% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0 200.0 75.0% 0.0% 100.0% 37.5
D.Lill R.Roll G.Tren T.Prin G.Ante 6 +30.0 150.0 125.0% 16.7% 200.0 120.0 33.3% 20.0% 66.7% 0.0
D.Lill G.Tren A.Jack G.Ante B.Port 6 0.0 116.7 41.7% 0.0% 25.0% 33.3 116.7 40.0% 33.3% 33.3% 60.0
D.Lill P.Conn A.Jack T.Prin B.Port 6 -140.0 0.0 0.0% 16.7% 20.0% 0.0 140.0 62.5% 0.0% 0.0% 50.0
D.Lill G.Tren A.Jack K.Midd B.Lope 6 -45.2 83.3 50.0% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0 128.6 56.2% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0
D.Lill R.Roll A.Jack G.Ante B.Lope 6 -133.3 66.7 16.7% 0.0% 33.3% 33.3 200.0 80.0% 0.0% 0.0% 40.0
D.Lill D.Wrig T.Prin G.Ante B.Lope 6 +33.3 100.0 50.0% 33.3% 66.7% 0.0 66.7 40.0% 16.7% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree P.Conn K.Midd B.Port 6 0.0 150.0 70.0% 16.7% 50.0% 40.0 150.0 64.3% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0
D.Lill R.Roll G.Tren G.Ante B.Lope 5 +140.0 240.0 75.0% 0.0% 100.0% 150.0 100.0 33.3% 0.0% 25.0% 0.0
D.Lill D.Wrig G.Tren P.Conn B.Port 5 -60.0 60.0 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 33.3 120.0 30.0% 0.0% 71.4% 0.0
D.Lill K.Port A.Gree K.Kuzm B.Lope 5 +40.0 140.0 50.0% 20.0% 33.3% 40.0 100.0 25.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50.0
D.Lill A.Gree K.Midd B.Port B.Lope 5 -140.0 60.0 30.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 200.0 125.0% 0.0% 0.0% 150.0
D.Lill G.Tren A.Jack K.Kuzm B.Port 5 -150.0 0.0 0.0% 20.0% 25.0% 0.0 150.0 100.0% 25.0% 0.0% 100.0
D.Lill R.Roll G.Tren K.Midd G.Ante 5 -53.3 80.0 25.0% 20.0% 33.3% 50.0 133.3 25.0% 16.7% 66.7% 150.0
D.Lill G.Tren P.Conn K.Midd B.Port 5 -40.0 60.0 21.4% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0 100.0 50.0% 20.0% 50.0% 25.0
D.Lill K.Port K.Kuzm G.Ante B.Lope 5 -40.0 40.0 33.3% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0 80.0 40.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Jack T.Prin K.Kuzm B.Port 5 +80.0 160.0 58.3% 0.0% 66.7% 16.7 80.0 25.0% 20.0% 0.0% 50.0
D.Lill K.Port A.Gree G.Tren B.Lope 5 -60.0 80.0 40.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 140.0 62.5% 20.0% 50.0% 50.0
D.Lill A.Gree P.Conn T.Prin B.Lope 5 -62.5 0.0 0.0% 20.0% 0.0% 0.0 62.5 40.0% 12.5% 33.3% 20.0
D.Lill G.Tren A.Jack T.Prin G.Ante 5 +73.3 140.0 58.3% 20.0% 33.3% 0.0 66.7 20.0% 33.3% 50.0% 40.0
D.Lill P.Conn K.Midd G.Ante B.Port 4 -100.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0 100.0 50.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren K.Midd B.Port 4 -50.0 125.0 41.7% 0.0% 66.7% 16.7 175.0 60.0% 0.0% 50.0% 20.0
D.Lill D.Wrig G.Tren T.Prin B.Port 4 +60.0 100.0 40.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 40.0 0.0% 20.0% 0.0% 66.7
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren K.Kuzm G.Ante 4 -100.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 100.0 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0
D.Lill G.Tren A.Jack K.Kuzm B.Lope 4 +125.0 225.0 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0 100.0 50.0% 25.0% 0.0% 100.0
D.Lill A.Gree P.Conn A.Jack B.Port 4 +70.0 250.0 100.0% 25.0% 100.0% 0.0 180.0 70.0% 0.0% 0.0% 40.0
D.Lill G.Tren A.Jack K.Midd G.Ante 4 -75.0 150.0 100.0% 25.0% 0.0% 100.0 225.0 112.5% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill R.Roll P.Conn G.Ante B.Port 3 +133.3 266.7 116.7% 0.0% 0.0% 33.3 133.3 66.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill D.Wrig P.Conn G.Ante B.Port 3 -266.7 33.3 0.0% 33.3% 100.0 300.0 150.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill P.Conn A.Jack T.Prin G.Ante 3 -216.7 33.3 0.0% 33.3% 0.0% 100.0 250.0 125.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill R.Roll G.Tren T.Prin B.Port 3 -133.3 66.7 50.0% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0 200.0 83.3% 0.0% 0.0% 33.3
D.Lill K.Port G.Tren G.Ante B.Lope 3 -266.7 0.0 0.0% 33.3% 33.3% 0.0 266.7 116.7% 0.0% 33.3
D.Lill D.Wrig M.Beau P.Conn B.Lope 3 +33.3 200.0 150.0% 33.3% 0.0 166.7 125.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill G.Tren P.Conn T.Prin G.Ante 3 +33.3 200.0 75.0% 0.0% 0.0% 150.0 166.7 50.0% 0.0% 66.7% 0.0
D.Lill G.Tren T.Prin K.Kuzm J.Sims 3 0.0 100.0 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 100.0 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree K.Kuzm G.Ante J.Sims 3 +100.0 166.7 83.3% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0 66.7 33.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree P.Conn A.Jack G.Ante 3 +66.7 233.3 116.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 166.7 50.0% 0.0% 66.7% 0.0
D.Lill D.Wrig P.Conn G.Ante B.Lope 2 +133.3 300.0 125.0% 0.0% 50.0 166.7 83.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill K.Port A.Gree G.Tren G.Ante 2 +200.0 200.0 100.0% 0.0% 200.0 0.0 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill K.Port T.Prin K.Kuzm J.Sims 2 +100.0 100.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill R.Roll T.Prin K.Midd G.Ante 2 0.0 100.0 33.3% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0 100.0 150.0% 33.3% 0.0
D.Lill R.Roll G.Tren K.Midd B.Port 2 -200.0 0.0 0.0% 50.0% 0.0% 0.0 200.0 100.0% 0.0% 200.0
D.Lill R.Roll G.Tren T.Prin B.Lope 2 -200.0 0.0 50.0% 200.0 100.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill P.Conn K.Midd G.Ante B.Lope 2 +50.0 250.0 125.0% 0.0% 0.0 200.0 100.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill R.Roll A.Gree G.Tren B.Port 2 +33.3 100.0 33.3% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0 66.7 33.3% 33.3% 100.0% 0.0
D.Lill G.Tren A.Jack T.Prin B.Port 2 -200.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 200.0 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree P.Conn T.Prin B.Port 2 -200.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 200.0 50.0% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree T.Prin G.Ante J.Sims 2 -300.0 0.0 0.0% 50.0% 50.0% 0.0 300.0 150.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill G.Tren T.Prin T.Smit B.Lope 2 -50.0 150.0 75.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 200.0 40.0% 50.0% 100.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree T.Prin K.Kuzm G.Ante 2 +150.0 250.0 66.7% 50.0% 100.0% 33.3 100.0 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill G.Tren P.Conn A.Jack B.Lope 2 -200.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 200.0 25.0% 0.0% 100.0% 50.0
D.Lill D.Wrig A.Gree B.Port B.Lope 2 -100.0 100.0 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 200.0 62.5% 0.0% 50.0% 25.0
D.Lill D.Wrig A.Gree G.Ante B.Lope 2 +100.0 100.0 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0
D.Lill P.Conn A.Jack G.Ante B.Port 2 +33.3 100.0 50.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 66.7 25.0% 0.0% 66.7% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree G.Tren T.Prin G.Ante 1 +100.0 100.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 50.0% 100.0% 0.0
D.Lill D.Wrig A.Gree G.Tren B.Port 1 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 66.7% 0.0
D.Lill D.Wrig A.Jack G.Ante B.Lope 1 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill G.Tren P.Conn K.Midd G.Ante 1 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill G.Tren P.Conn T.Prin B.Port 1 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0 0.0 100.0%
D.Lill A.Gree P.Conn G.Ante B.Lope 1 +300.0 400.0 100.0% 0.0% 0.0 100.0 100.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill A.Gree A.Jack K.Midd G.Ante 1 +200.0 200.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill R.Roll A.Gree P.Conn A.Jack 1 300.0 150.0% 0.0% 0.0 0.0%
D.Lill R.Roll A.Gree P.Conn B.Lope 1 200.0 100.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill T.Prin K.Kuzm B.Port B.Lope 1 +150.0 300.0 50.0% 0.0% 50.0% 0.0 150.0 150.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill R.Roll A.Gree G.Ante B.Lope 1 -100.0 0.0 100.0% 100.0 50.0%
D.Lill R.Roll M.Beau A.Jack G.Ante 1 -100.0 100.0 0.0% 200.0 100.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill R.Roll G.Tren A.Jack B.Lope 1 +200.0 200.0 100.0% 0.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0%
D.Lill R.Roll G.Tren P.Conn G.Ante 1 200.0 50.0% 0.0% 100.0% 0.0
D.Lill K.Port T.Prin G.Ante J.Sims 1 0.0 0.0 0.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill K.Port T.Prin G.Ante B.Lope 1 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill K.Port G.Tren T.Prin B.Lope 1 0.0 0.0 0.0% 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill K.Port G.Tren G.Ante J.Sims 1 +200.0 300.0 75.0% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0 100.0 150.0% 0.0% 0.0
D.Lill D.Wrig A.Gree G.Tren B.Lope 1 0.0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0
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