Ronald Murray
6'3" wing45.4 years old #41 pick in 2002

Team Efficiency and Four Factors

Team Efficiency and Four Factors

Positions are estimated from lineups. Mistakes happen (and some players are very hard to categorize)! If you see anything that looks wrong, please let me know.
The orange/blue numbers show the percentile rank in that stat relative to all players during their time played at that position.
For example, in the PG row stats are compared to all stats for all players when those players were playing PG in a lineup.
Offense Defense
Year Age Team MIN Diff Exp W Pts/Poss eFG% TOV% ORB% FT Rate Pts/Poss eFG% TOV% ORB% FT Rate
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHI 655 31 -4.6 29 46 106.3 51 50.0% 85 13.9% 15 25.8% 56 23.1 26 110.9 45 50.6% 9 13.4% 72 27.8% 13 27.0
PG 3% -7.2 22 97.7 40.6% 14.0% 27.3% 50.0 104.9 53.3% 22.0% 26.7% 36.7
SG 53% 34 -4.8 29 50 107.1 53 50.5% 63 14.7% 18 26.1% 48 22.4 25 111.9 39 51.2% 27 14.3% 68 27.5% 13 28.3
SF 43% 31 -4.9 28 43 105.4 49 49.8% 90 13.0% 16 25.1% 30 21.0 38 110.3 62 49.7% 1 11.4% 68 27.8% 40 24.8
PF 1% +44.4 82 144.4 60.0% 11.1% 50.0% 140.0 100.0 57.1% 30.0% 50.0% 28.6
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHA 977 72 +3.1 49 42 105.9 38 49.2% 18 16.7% 69 30.3% 96 28.8 89 102.8 95 47.4% 87 17.0% 23 30.5% 57 22.8
PG 8% -11.4 13 89.9 41.5% 19.6% 33.8% 37.3 101.3 44.9% 14.4% 25.0% 24.3
SG 91% 77 +4.7 54 52 107.5 46 50.0% 23 16.5% 67 30.1% 88 28.0 85 102.8 83 47.7% 91 17.3% 25 31.0% 59 22.2
SF 1% -24.3 3 94.4 40.0% 11.1% 18.2% 33.3 118.8 41.7% 12.5% 33.3% 75.0
On Court 08-09 29.3 ATL 1924 83 +5.9 56 84 111.5 75 51.3% 79 14.1% 45 28.6% 89 27.3 72 105.6 79 48.4% 78 16.4% 20 31.1% 37 25.4
PG 35% 92 +11.0 66 92 114.6 75 51.5% 54 15.3% 95 34.2% 83 27.1 83 103.6 78 48.2% 83 16.9% 9 32.5% 80 20.8
SG 64% 71 +3.3 50 71 109.9 68 51.1% 87 13.5% 13 25.6% 80 27.6 63 106.5 78 48.5% 76 16.2% 31 30.3% 17 27.2
SF 1% +9.2 62 116.7 55.3% 11.9% 34.8% 18.4 107.5 44.4% 10.0% 31.2% 70.4
On Court 07-08 28.3 IND 510 39 -3.5 32 69 108.5 78 51.4% 55 15.3% 28 26.9% 45 22.3 12 112.0 5 52.9% 31 14.4% 30 30.2% 80 20.6
PG 100% 38 -3.5 32 69 108.5 79 51.4% 54 15.3% 30 26.9% 40 22.3 17 112.0 7 52.9% 34 14.4% 26 30.2% 79 20.6
On Court 07-08 28.3 DET 280 64 +1.5 45 54 106.3 28 47.7% 79 14.2% 89 32.6% 78 25.9 74 104.8 94 45.9% 15 13.8% 20 31.0% 52 23.8
PG 99% 63 +1.1 44 50 106.1 28 47.6% 79 14.3% 89 32.7% 72 26.0 68 105.0 90 46.1% 21 13.9% 18 31.0% 50 24.0
SG 1% +66.7 82 133.3 66.7% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0 66.7 25.0% 0.0% 33.3% 0.0
On Court 06-07 27.3 DET 1410 77 +2.5 48 60 106.1 40 48.8% 94 14.2% 35 28.1% 24 22.1 76 103.7 83 47.9% 53 16.4% 12 32.0% 77 22.6
PG 48% 86 +7.8 61 72 107.9 59 50.0% 88 14.4% 46 29.2% 3 19.4 88 100.1 86 47.2% 82 17.7% 30 30.4% 93 20.5
SG 51% 41 -2.8 33 36 103.9 28 47.7% 92 14.0% 19 26.7% 48 24.2 53 106.7 75 48.4% 25 15.4% 9 33.3% 56 24.6
SF 1% +23.8 75 157.1 54.2% 14.3% 66.7% 83.3 133.3 54.2% 8.3% 50.0% 25.0
On Court 05-06 26.3 CLE 1022 82 +4.4 53 68 107.1 80 50.4% 59 15.5% 33 27.9% 56 25.5 77 102.7 75 47.3% 5 13.7% 95 25.6% 75 23.3
PG 3% +0.1 41 101.8 41.1% 10.5% 31.6% 48.9 101.7 46.1% 15.3% 30.0% 25.5
SG 85% 76 +3.7 51 68 107.1 83 50.7% 53 15.8% 44 28.6% 31 23.1 64 103.4 74 47.5% 4 12.9% 93 25.4% 67 23.0
SF 12% 93 +9.9 65 73 108.3 80 50.8% 78 14.5% 4 22.3% 96 37.2 93 98.4 83 46.4% 91 18.1% 90 26.2% 58 24.8
On Court 05-06 26.3 SEA 1045 20 -6.3 25 71 107.5 31 47.7% 67 15.2% 77 32.1% 81 28.1 7 113.8 14 52.0% 53 15.8% 13 32.4% 17 29.9
PG 55% 45 -2.3 35 89 110.3 65 49.3% 50 16.1% 97 35.1% 67 26.8 12 112.6 19 51.4% 40 15.2% 17 32.0% 10 30.5
SG 44% 9 -12.3 14 42 103.8 10 45.8% 86 14.0% 44 28.5% 82 29.6 3 116.1 5 53.2% 66 16.1% 11 32.7% 21 29.4
SF 1% +52.9 82 117.6 53.3% 17.6% 33.3% 26.7 64.7 28.6% 35.3% 40.0% 21.4
On Court 04-05 25.3 SEA 853 20 -7.4 23 60 105.5 26 46.4% 65 15.1% 59 31.4% 66 26.0 5 112.9 6 52.1% 10 13.9% 42 31.0% 77 22.9
PG 10% +5.9 57 105.3 45.8% 19.2% 40.2% 31.3 99.4 51.5% 20.9% 32.9% 18.5
SG 82% 13 -9.5 19 57 105.4 22 46.3% 70 14.8% 60 31.1% 53 25.1 1 114.9 6 52.1% 6 12.8% 45 31.0% 63 23.5
SF 8% -2.3 35 107.6 48.5% 13.4% 21.4% 29.7 109.8 53.3% 15.6% 29.1% 21.0
On Court 03-04 24.3 SEA 1976 29 -4.8 29 72 103.5 92 49.9% 55 16.3% 14 27.4% 24 20.4 9 108.2 25 48.9% 37 15.9% 7 34.1% 45 23.6
PG 41% 72 +2.4 47 94 109.7 99 53.8% 64 16.1% 17 27.6% 22 19.9 17 107.3 27 48.7% 47 16.1% 19 33.3% 43 23.4
SG 57% 9 -10.4 16 30 98.8 53 47.0% 52 16.5% 15 27.2% 22 20.5 13 109.2 28 49.1% 43 15.8% 7 34.7% 48 24.0
SF 1% +8.1 62 104.1 47.6% 16.3% 30.4% 29.3 96.0 50.0% 14.0% 30.4% 11.4
Guide to understanding this table

Offensive Overview

Positions are estimated from lineups. Mistakes happen (and some players are very hard to categorize)! If you see anything that looks wrong, please let me know.
The orange/blue numbers show the percentile rank in that stat relative to all players during their time played at that position.
For example, in the PG row stats are compared to all stats for all players when those players were playing PG in a lineup.
Year Age Team MIN Usage PSA AST% AST:Usg TOV%
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHI 655 78 21.7% 19 97.9 66 12.5% 43 0.58 87 8.5%
PG 3% 27.0% 92.3 12.5% 0.46 7.4%
SG 53% 79 22.9% 19 96.1 70 13.2% 44 0.58 69 10.7%
SF 43% 74 20.1% 21 100.0 67 11.7% 53 0.58 93 5.6%
PF 1% 5.0% 200.0 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHA 977 89 24.9% 20 98.5 82 15.6% 57 0.63 41 12.4%
PG 8% 31.4% 93.3 34.4% 1.09 15.7%
SG 91% 85 24.4% 24 99.8 77 14.4% 49 0.59 44 12.1%
SF 1% 16.7% 0.0 20.0% 1.20 0.0%
On Court 08-09 29.3 ATL 1924 74 24.1% 70 109.1 16 14.0% 2 0.58 53 12.6%
PG 35% 90 27.6% 79 112.7 21 17.4% 3 0.63 54 13.1%
SG 64% 67 22.4% 45 106.6 24 12.5% 15 0.56 33 12.2%
SF 1% 16.7% 128.6 6.7% 0.40 12.5%
On Court 07-08 28.3 IND 510 89 27.4% 31 100.8 34 24.3% 6 0.89 17 16.4%
PG 100% 89 27.4% 33 100.8 34 24.3% 8 0.89 17 16.4%
On Court 07-08 28.3 DET 280 80 24.8% 8 87.3 66 28.9% 39 1.17 34 14.5%
PG 99% 81 24.9% 8 87.3 69 29.2% 39 1.18 34 14.5%
On Court 06-07 27.3 DET 1410 52 20.3% 30 97.2 45 20.5% 52 1.01 41 14.4%
PG 48% 61 23.0% 43 102.9 63 26.7% 61 1.16 22 16.0%
SG 51% 29 17.9% 10 89.1 39 14.4% 45 0.81 53 12.5%
SF 1% 8.3% 300.0 0.0% 0.00 0.0%
On Court 05-06 26.3 CLE 1022 56 19.3% 49 104.5 55 12.2% 45 0.63 43 13.4%
PG 3% 33.1% 76.5 46.7% 1.41 8.9%
SG 85% 39 18.3% 65 108.1 41 11.3% 41 0.62 44 13.8%
SF 12% 75 22.7% 18 94.4 56 11.3% 31 0.50 40 13.1%
On Court 05-06 26.3 SEA 1045 84 25.4% 16 94.6 47 19.9% 24 0.78 71 12.8%
PG 55% 94 27.4% 24 97.0 63 26.3% 29 0.96 59 13.9%
SG 44% 70 23.1% 7 91.0 23 11.7% 5 0.50 68 10.9%
SF 1% 20.0% 133.3 16.7% 0.83 25.0%
On Court 04-05 25.3 SEA 853 88 22.1% 23 98.8 12 13.8% 0 0.62 63 14.0%
PG 10% 25.8% 93.9 25.0% 0.97 18.9%
SG 82% 85 22.0% 10 97.9 17 12.9% 0 0.59 67 12.6%
SF 8% 19.0% 121.1 8.1% 0.43 23.5%
On Court 03-04 24.3 SEA 1976 89 24.2% 49 113.4 44 18.4% 18 0.76 62 14.2%
PG 41% 89 25.3% 89 128.1 50 23.7% 24 0.94 47 16.0%
SG 57% 82 23.4% 26 102.9 41 14.4% 18 0.61 54 12.9%
SF 1% 27.7% 100.0 8.3% 0.30 12.9%
Guide to understanding this table

Shooting: Overall

Positions are estimated from lineups. Mistakes happen (and some players are very hard to categorize)! If you see anything that looks wrong, please let me know.
The orange/blue numbers show the percentile rank in that stat relative to all players during their time played at that position.
For example, in the PG row stats are compared to all stats for all players when those players were playing PG in a lineup.
Year Age Team MIN eFG% 2P% 3P% FT% ASTD%
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHI 655 20 45.4% 30 43.8% 25 32.5% 37 75.4% 58 61% 69 48% 46 54% 55 89%
PG 3% 40.9% 50.0% 20.0% 75.0% 50% 33% 100%
SG 53% 24 45.0% 23 41.8% 34 34.0% 45 76.9% 60 62% 78 40% 47 57% 62 88%
SF 43% 27 45.8% 36 44.9% 24 32.1% 25 74.2% 62 59% 54 52% 45 50% 56 89%
PF 1% 100.0% 100.0% 100% 100%
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHA 977 19 44.4% 23 42.7% 26 32.5% 18 70.8% 85 49% 67 49% 76 37% 93 68%
PG 8% 43.2% 37.0% 40.0% 55.6% 29% 33% 0% 75%
SG 91% 23 44.8% 26 43.5% 28 32.5% 24 73.2% 80 51% 59 50% 70 41% 95 68%
SF 1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
On Court 08-09 29.3 ATL 1924 81 50.8% 86 48.4% 61 37.7% 10 75.1% 56 41% 49 35% 53 25% 65 78%
PG 35% 77 51.1% 77 47.2% 84 42.4% 23 77.1% 64 34% 67 22% 54 23% 54 75%
SG 64% 67 50.4% 76 48.6% 56 36.0% 17 75.2% 67 46% 55 43% 64 27% 61 80%
SF 1% 66.7% 100.0% 0.0% 25.0% 25% 33% 0%
On Court 07-08 28.3 IND 510 33 46.7% 39 43.5% 89 43.3% 25 76.3% 84 27% 73 19% 67 20% 81 69%
PG 100% 33 46.7% 41 43.5% 89 43.3% 27 76.3% 86 27% 72 19% 67 20% 80 69%
On Court 07-08 28.3 DET 280 14 41.7% 17 41.0% 30.8% 0 55.2% 88 26% 84 15% 45 29% 72 75%
PG 99% 14 41.7% 17 41.0% 30.8% 0 55.2% 88 26% 83 15% 45 29% 72 75%
On Court 06-07 27.3 DET 1410 41 45.0% 41 43.9% 40 33.8% 19 72.7% 71 39% 55 32% 70 28% 0 100%
PG 48% 67 49.1% 92 49.5% 31 31.2% 23 70.8% 65 37% 47 27% 49 32% 2 100%
SG 51% 8 39.6% 10 36.9% 35 34.3% 11 73.8% 65 43% 53 41% 86 23% 6 100%
SF 1% 125.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 50% 0% 100%
On Court 05-06 26.3 CLE 1022 56 48.5% 65 47.8% 40 34.5% 22 70.6% 91 44% 65 48% 95 23% 80 85%
PG 3% 30.0% 42.9% 0.0% 50.0% 0% 0%
SG 85% 72 50.6% 79 49.8% 47 36.4% 26 73.2% 93 43% 66 47% 94 23% 82 81%
SF 12% 12 41.3% 9 37.1% 36.4% 76.5% 64 59% 48 57% 82 33% 7 100%
On Court 05-06 26.3 SEA 1045 13 42.6% 35 43.3% 11 25.4% 21 72.4% 87 32% 55 31% 87 23% 60 80%
PG 55% 27 43.6% 41 43.5% 20 29.4% 61 79.4% 92 25% 69 19% 69 21% 78 70%
SG 44% 5 41.3% 25 43.0% 0 20.0% 0 64.1% 84 40% 32 47% 82 25% 5 100%
SF 1% 50.0% 50.0% 100.0% 100% 100%
On Court 04-05 25.3 SEA 853 18 40.3% 39 41.0% 6 25.0% 8 73.1% 93 36% 77 27% 81 31% 77 75%
PG 10% 30.3% 38.5% 0.0% 68.8% 10% 0% 14%
SG 82% 15 41.8% 19 41.4% 29 28.4% 22 76.0% 85 39% 77 30% 83 33% 75 74%
SF 8% 35.7% 40.0% 16.7% 66.7% 29% 0% 25% 100%
On Court 03-04 24.3 SEA 1976 62 46.6% 80 46.7% 20 30.6% 18 71.3% 80 44% 56 40% 78 32% 53 84%
PG 41% 92 52.9% 97 52.9% 55 35.1% 10 67.2% 61 46% 34 48% 74 27% 34 89%
SG 57% 21 42.0% 41 42.0% 14 27.7% 47 75.9% 82 43% 87 30% 67 37% 74 81%
SF 1% 46.4% 41.7% 50.0% 50.0% 33% 50% 0% 100%
Guide to understanding this table

Shooting: Frequency

Positions are estimated from lineups. Mistakes happen (and some players are very hard to categorize)! If you see anything that looks wrong, please let me know.
The orange/blue numbers show the percentile rank in that stat relative to all players during their time played at that position.
For example, in the PG row stats are compared to all stats for all players when those players were playing PG in a lineup.
% of Shot Attempts
Year Age Team MIN eFG% Rim Short
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHI 655 20 45.4% 51 27% 53 12% 59 29% 56 41% 53 10% 51 22% 44 32%
PG 3% 40.9% 27% 9% 18% 27% 9% 36% 45%
SG 53% 24 45.0% 32 22% 74 14% 51 28% 56 43% 58 12% 56 23% 54 35%
SF 43% 27 45.8% 77 33% 36 8% 67 32% 56 41% 39 8% 44 18% 33 26%
PF 1% 100.0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHA 977 19 44.4% 50 26% 67 14% 55 29% 60 42% 46 9% 53 22% 41 31%
PG 8% 43.2% 27% 16% 30% 46% 3% 24% 27%
SG 91% 23 44.8% 51 27% 65 13% 54 29% 55 42% 46 10% 49 22% 40 31%
SF 1% 0.0% 0% 33% 0% 33% 33% 33% 67%
On Court 08-09 29.3 ATL 1924 81 50.8% 51 29% 81 18% 35 25% 63 44% 49 8% 42 19% 40 27%
PG 35% 77 51.1% 51 29% 85 21% 36 27% 67 48% 46 5% 41 19% 38 23%
SG 64% 67 50.4% 48 28% 91 17% 42 25% 70 42% 48 11% 42 19% 36 30%
SF 1% 66.7% 50% 0% 17% 17% 17% 17% 33%
On Court 07-08 28.3 IND 510 33 46.7% 67 31% 94 25% 42 30% 81 55% 17 2% 16 11% 16 13%
PG 100% 33 46.7% 67 31% 94 25% 42 30% 81 55% 17 2% 16 11% 16 13%
On Court 07-08 28.3 DET 280 14 41.7% 86 39% 80 20% 34 28% 56 48% 48 5% 14 8% 17 14%
PG 99% 14 41.7% 86 39% 81 20% 34 28% 56 48% 50 5% 14 8% 17 14%
On Court 06-07 27.3 DET 1410 41 45.0% 68 32% 84 20% 57 32% 68 52% 50 6% 16 10% 21 17%
PG 48% 67 49.1% 84 38% 82 18% 37 29% 49 47% 49 4% 20 11% 27 15%
SG 51% 8 39.6% 39 25% 88 21% 63 36% 86 57% 47 8% 18 10% 22 18%
SF 1% 125.0% 0% 50% 0% 50% 50% 0% 50%
On Court 05-06 26.3 CLE 1022 56 48.5% 79 37% 69 14% 50 29% 54 44% 53 9% 32 9% 35 19%
PG 3% 30.0% 30% 30% 10% 40% 10% 20% 30%
SG 85% 72 50.6% 87 41% 68 14% 41 28% 42 42% 52 8% 31 9% 33 18%
SF 12% 12 41.3% 33 22% 72 15% 80 39% 82 54% 69 15% 33 9% 42 24%
On Court 05-06 26.3 SEA 1045 13 42.6% 75 35% 93 22% 38 29% 60 51% 25 4% 25 11% 25 14%
PG 55% 27 43.6% 78 36% 90 22% 31 27% 59 49% 31 3% 33 12% 24 15%
SG 44% 5 41.3% 70 32% 93 23% 50 31% 75 54% 34 5% 32 9% 30 14%
SF 1% 50.0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
On Court 04-05 25.3 SEA 853 18 40.3% 44 23% 89 23% 44 31% 63 54% 49 7% 42 16% 35 23%
PG 10% 30.3% 18% 21% 39% 61% 6% 15% 21%
SG 82% 15 41.8% 48 24% 92 22% 44 31% 65 53% 48 7% 31 16% 33 23%
SF 8% 35.7% 14% 38% 19% 57% 5% 24% 29%
On Court 03-04 24.3 SEA 1976 62 46.6% 76 30% 73 17% 58 30% 58 47% 62 9% 29 15% 33 24%
PG 41% 92 52.9% 79 35% 74 18% 42 26% 45 44% 76 10% 29 11% 34 21%
SG 57% 21 42.0% 49 26% 64 16% 64 33% 62 48% 49 8% 44 18% 36 26%
SF 1% 46.4% 29% 29% 29% 57% 0% 14% 14%
Guide to understanding this table

Shooting: Accuracy

Positions are estimated from lineups. Mistakes happen (and some players are very hard to categorize)! If you see anything that looks wrong, please let me know.
The orange/blue numbers show the percentile rank in that stat relative to all players during their time played at that position.
For example, in the PG row stats are compared to all stats for all players when those players were playing PG in a lineup.
Year Age Team MIN eFG% Rim Short
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHI 655 20 45.4% 39 57% 49 37% 28 34% 28 35% 74 44% 8 27% 25 33%
PG 3% 40.9% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 20%
SG 53% 24 45.0% 16 48% 39 30% 68 42% 51 38% 77 47% 11 27% 35 34%
SF 43% 27 45.8% 54 60% 93 56% 7 26% 19 33% 44% 13 26% 25 32%
PF 1% 100.0% 100%
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHA 977 19 44.4% 9 47% 52 37% 72 42% 64 40% 31 35% 23 31% 22 32%
PG 8% 43.2% 30% 17% 55% 41% 100% 33% 40%
SG 91% 23 44.8% 17 48% 68 40% 61 40% 61 40% 25 34% 27 31% 22 32%
SF 1% 0.0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
On Court 08-09 29.3 ATL 1924 81 50.8% 81 61% 91 45% 42 37% 65 40% 25 34% 76 39% 64 38%
PG 35% 77 51.1% 82 61% 95 48% 26 32% 59 39% 46% 84 42% 84 42%
SG 64% 67 50.4% 73 60% 67 42% 45 41% 64 41% 17 31% 68 39% 52 36%
SF 1% 66.7% 100% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0%
On Court 07-08 28.3 IND 510 33 46.7% 50 54% 50 41% 23 35% 30 38% 20% 100 50% 91 45%
PG 100% 33 46.7% 53 54% 52 41% 23 35% 30 38% 20% 100 50% 91 45%
On Court 07-08 28.3 DET 280 14 41.7% 56 54% 16 26% 16 33% 11 30% 0% 50% 31%
PG 99% 14 41.7% 58 54% 16 26% 16 33% 11 30% 0% 50% 31%
On Court 06-07 27.3 DET 1410 41 45.0% 48 55% 43 35% 55 39% 43 37% 31 32% 41 35% 40 34%
PG 48% 67 49.1% 53 54% 63 44% 92 48% 94 46% 44% 14 26% 31 31%
SG 51% 8 39.6% 55 56% 24 25% 20 30% 10 28% 20% 97 45% 35 34%
SF 1% 125.0% 100% 100% 100% 100%
On Court 05-06 26.3 CLE 1022 56 48.5% 49 57% 72 41% 51 39% 58 40% 45 38% 27 31% 41 34%
PG 3% 30.0% 0% 67% 100% 75% 0% 0% 0%
SG 85% 72 50.6% 53 58% 74 44% 65 41% 78 42% 52 38% 38 35% 47 36%
SF 12% 12 41.3% 92 70% 13 14% 18 28% 11 24% 43% 25% 36%
On Court 05-06 26.3 SEA 1045 13 42.6% 53 55% 62 40% 15 31% 31 35% 27% 11 25% 9 25%
PG 55% 27 43.6% 67 56% 59 42% 16 27% 27 34% 33% 24 29% 20 29%
SG 44% 5 41.3% 43 54% 57 38% 23 35% 34 36% 22% 3 19% 0 20%
SF 1% 50.0% 50%
On Court 04-05 25.3 SEA 853 18 40.3% 84 58% 84 42% 11 28% 25 34% 23 35% 13 21% 6 25%
PG 10% 30.3% 50% 57% 23% 35% 0% 0% 0%
SG 82% 15 41.8% 69 59% 69 40% 19 29% 15 34% 50 35% 27 26% 27 29%
SF 8% 35.7% 67% 38% 25% 33% 100% 0% 17%
On Court 03-04 24.3 SEA 1976 62 46.6% 64 57% 98 45% 73 38% 84 40% 46 37% 20 27% 22 31%
PG 41% 92 52.9% 82 62% 89 47% 92 45% 95 46% 60 43% 25 29% 52 35%
SG 57% 21 42.0% 36 52% 72 42% 38 34% 49 37% 21 32% 20 26% 14 28%
SF 1% 46.4% 50% 50% 25% 38% 50% 50%
Guide to understanding this table

Foul Drawing

Positions are estimated from lineups. Mistakes happen (and some players are very hard to categorize)! If you see anything that looks wrong, please let me know.
The orange/blue numbers show the percentile rank in that stat relative to all players during their time played at that position.
For example, in the PG row stats are compared to all stats for all players when those players were playing PG in a lineup.
Year Age Team MIN FT% SFLD% FFLD% AND1%
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHI 655 37 75.4% 37 7.9% 83 1.8% 14 13.6%
PG 3% 75.0% 8.3% 4.0% 0.0%
SG 53% 45 76.9% 19 6.0% 65 1.4% 18 11.1%
SF 43% 25 74.2% 65 10.3% 87 2.3% 35 16.7%
PF 1% 0.0% 0.0%
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHA 977 18 70.8% 76 12.6% 63 1.3% 27 17.9%
PG 8% 55.6% 15.9% 1.6% 0.0%
SG 91% 24 73.2% 77 12.3% 58 1.3% 46 20.4%
SF 1% 0.0% 0.0%
On Court 08-09 29.3 ATL 1924 10 75.1% 70 11.6% 47 1.4% 51 21.1%
PG 35% 23 77.1% 74 13.0% 36 1.3% 62 24.4%
SG 64% 17 75.2% 55 10.6% 58 1.4% 33 17.0%
SF 1% 25.0% 16.7% 4.2% 100.0%
On Court 07-08 28.3 IND 510 25 76.3% 81 11.2% 45 1.4% 20 11.1%
PG 100% 27 76.3% 81 11.2% 44 1.4% 23 11.1%
On Court 07-08 28.3 DET 280 0 55.2% 91 14.7% 9 0.7% 48 18.8%
PG 99% 0 55.2% 92 14.7% 11 0.7% 47 18.8%
On Court 06-07 27.3 DET 1410 19 72.7% 57 10.7% 46 1.6% 41 20.8%
PG 48% 23 70.8% 59 10.1% 16 1.1% 16 12.5%
SG 51% 11 73.8% 63 11.0% 69 2.0% 69 26.1%
SF 1% 100.0% 50.0% 0.0% 100.0%
On Court 05-06 26.3 CLE 1022 22 70.6% 77 13.3% 39 1.3% 37 17.4%
PG 3% 50.0% 23.1% 8.8% 0.0%
SG 85% 26 73.2% 73 12.2% 24 0.9% 32 17.6%
SF 12% 76.5% 91 17.0% 65 1.9% 61 22.2%
On Court 05-06 26.3 SEA 1045 21 72.4% 80 13.1% 60 1.9% 45 21.3%
PG 55% 61 79.4% 69 11.6% 71 2.4% 31 20.0%
SG 44% 0 64.1% 86 14.6% 43 1.5% 70 23.3%
SF 1% 100.0% 33.3% 0.0% 0.0%
On Court 04-05 25.3 SEA 853 8 73.1%
PG 10% 68.8%
SG 82% 22 76.0%
SF 8% 66.7%
On Court 03-04 24.3 SEA 1976 18 71.3%
PG 41% 10 67.2%
SG 57% 47 75.9%
SF 1% 50.0%
Guide to understanding this table

Defense and Rebounding

Positions are estimated from lineups. Mistakes happen (and some players are very hard to categorize)! If you see anything that looks wrong, please let me know.
The orange/blue numbers show the percentile rank in that stat relative to all players during their time played at that position.
For example, in the PG row stats are compared to all stats for all players when those players were playing PG in a lineup.
Year Age Team MIN BLK% STL% FOUL% fgOR% fgDR% ftOR% ftDR%
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHI 655 16 0.3% 45 1.3% 46 3.3% 30 2.1% 70 11.8% 0 0.0% 14 2.1%
PG 3% 0.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
SG 53% 27 0.3% 38 1.2% 56 2.9% 29 1.7% 52 9.6% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
SF 43% 20 0.4% 34 1.1% 37 3.7% 40 2.7% 90 15.2% 0 0.0% 20 4.8%
PF 1% 0.0% 0.0% 10.0% 0.0% 0.0%
On Court 09-10 30.3 CHA 977 63 0.7% 52 1.3% 41 3.4% 23 1.8% 22 8.6% 0 0.0% 13 1.8%
PG 8% 0.7% 1.1% 2.7% 1.4% 7.2% 0.0% 0.0%
SG 91% 77 0.7% 56 1.4% 32 3.4% 35 1.8% 35 8.7% 0 0.0% 28 2.2%
SF 1% 0.0% 0.0% 9.5% 0.0% 14.3% 0.0%
On Court 08-09 29.3 ATL 1924 86 0.5% 88 2.1% 35 3.9% 35 1.4% 30 7.9% 0 0.0% 58 3.4%
PG 35% 95 0.8% 85 2.2% 51 3.2% 44 1.6% 62 9.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
SG 64% 76 0.4% 82 2.0% 21 4.1% 24 1.2% 18 6.9% 0 0.0% 76 4.8%
SF 1% 0.0% 4.2% 8.3% 0.0% 18.8% 0.0%
On Court 07-08 28.3 IND 510 62 0.3% 77 2.0% 83 2.5% 73 2.0% 23 6.8% 0 0.0% 47 2.9%
PG 100% 62 0.3% 77 2.0% 83 2.5% 75 2.0% 25 6.8% 0 0.0% 48 2.9%
On Court 07-08 28.3 DET 280 0 0.0% 47 1.5% 98 1.6% 100 4.7% 12 6.5% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
PG 99% 0 0.0% 48 1.5% 98 1.6% 100 4.8% 16 6.6% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
On Court 06-07 27.3 DET 1410 77 0.5% 52 1.6% 71 2.8% 50 2.0% 12 6.5% 61 1.1% 0 0.0%
PG 48% 88 0.7% 53 1.7% 88 2.4% 61 2.0% 20 6.9% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
SG 51% 61 0.4% 47 1.6% 53 3.2% 41 1.8% 14 6.0% 80 2.0% 0 0.0%
SF 1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 16.7% 16.7% 0.0%
On Court 05-06 26.3 CLE 1022 35 0.4% 72 1.7% 92 2.5% 15 1.6% 0 5.5% 58 1.2% 10 1.5%
PG 3% 0.0% 2.9% 0.0% 0.0% 13.8% 0.0% 0.0%
SG 85% 42 0.5% 59 1.5% 78 2.7% 15 1.5% 2 5.7% 72 1.8% 36 1.9%
SF 12% 0 0.0% 98 3.0% 99 1.9% 48 3.0% 0 1.7% 0 0.0% 0 0.0%
On Court 05-06 26.3 SEA 1045 40 0.2% 24 1.2% 89 2.7% 47 1.5% 25 7.4% 80 1.5% 15 1.4%
PG 55% 61 0.4% 22 1.2% 82 2.9% 55 1.7% 39 7.9% 0 0.0% 39 2.6%
SG 44% 0 0.0% 30 1.3% 84 2.5% 23 1.1% 11 6.5% 86 2.9% 0 0.0%
SF 1% 0.0% 0.0% 5.0% 0.0% 20.0% 0.0%
On Court 04-05 25.3 SEA 853 86 0.7% 42 1.6% 79 2.9% 35 1.6% 67 10.2% 86 2.0% 93 12.7%
PG 10% 0.7% 1.6% 1.6% 2.7% 10.1% 0.0% 0.0%
SG 82% 83 0.6% 50 1.6% 81 2.9% 27 1.5% 67 10.1% 88 2.6% 98 13.5%
SF 8% 0.9% 0.7% 4.5% 1.8% 11.3% 0.0% 25.0%
On Court 03-04 24.3 SEA 1976 93 0.8% 56 1.9% 53 3.3% 56 2.5% 40 8.3% 0 0.0% 69 5.1%
PG 41% 95 1.0% 45 1.7% 53 2.8% 71 3.3% 58 9.1% 0 0.0% 58 2.2%
SG 57% 82 0.6% 64 2.0% 41 3.7% 31 1.9% 36 7.8% 0 0.0% 82 7.0%
SF 1% 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 8.7% 4.3%
Guide to understanding this table
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