Karl-Anthony Towns
7'0" big29.0 years old #1 pick in 2015
Contract: $49.2M / $53.1M / $57.1M / $61.0M (PO) Team Salary Sheet

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Offensive Overview

Offensive Overview

The orange/blue numbers show the player's percentile rank in that stat relative to their position.
Click on those percentiles to see players who rank ahead and behind of the player in that stat.
Year Age Team Pos GP GS MIN MPG Usage PSA AST% AST:Usg TOV%
15-16 20.0 MIN Big 82 82 2607 31.8 85 22.3% 80 118.6 72 10.9% 53 0.49 41 13.9%
16-17 21.0 MIN Big 82 82 3011 36.8 95 25.2% 88 124.2 80 12.7% 56 0.50 68 12.2%
17-18 22.0 MIN Big 82 81 2883 35.2 80 21.0% 92 129.2 69 10.5% 43 0.50 64 11.6%
17-18 MIN Big 5 5 169 33.9 83 20.4% 29 110.1 76 9.9% 44 0.49 27 15.8%
18-19 23.0 MIN Big 77 77 2544 33.0 95 27.0% 81 125.2 89 16.8% 65 0.62 34 14.6%
19-20 24.0 MIN Big 35 35 1187 33.9 98 27.8% 85 130.8 96 20.9% 81 0.75 49 13.8%
20-21 25.0 MIN Big 50 50 1688 33.8 97 28.5% 64 122.9 95 21.6% 78 0.76 39 13.8%
21-22 26.0 MIN Big 74 74 2482 33.5 95 26.5% 82 129.2 92 17.7% 69 0.67 38 14.4%
21-22 MIN Big 7 7 246 35.1 92 24.7% 51 122.4 65 11.0% 35 0.45 11 22.1%
22-23 27.0 MIN Big 29 29 957 33.0 95 25.2% 60 123.6 95 22.5% 87 0.89 40 15.0%
22-23 MIN Big 7 7 249 35.6 87 23.1% 82 127.7 76 12.8% 50 0.55 24 16.9%
23-24 28.0 MIN Big 62 62 2025 32.7 94 25.6% 72 125.8 81 14.7% 40 0.57 32 14.9%
23-24 MIN Big 16 16 521 32.6 76 23.4% 35 117.3 71 13.3% 50 0.57 71 10.1%
24-25 29.0 NYK Big 19 19 634 33.3 90 26.3% 80 131.3 72 14.6% 27 0.55 72 10.9%
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