Anthony Parker
6'6" wing49.5 years old

Team Efficiency and Four Factors

Team Efficiency and Four Factors

The "on/off diff" rows show the difference in how the team performed with the player on vs. off the court for each of these stats.
The orange/blue numbers show the player's percentile rank in that stat relative to all players.
Offense Defense
Year Age Team MIN Diff Exp W Pts/Poss eFG% TOV% ORB% FT Rate Pts/Poss eFG% TOV% ORB% FT Rate
On Court 06-07 31.4 TOR 2422 91 +6.8 58 89 109.7 89 51.7% 96 13.9% 4 24.1% 49 24.4 82 102.9 53 49.7% 73 17.1% 69 27.8% 91 20.5
On/Off Diff 06-07 31.4 TOR 2422 99 +15.5 +38 94 +7.1 91 +2.8% 81 -1.3% 72 +1.3% 60 +1.0 97 -8.3 91 -2.8% 93 +2.3% 43 +0.5% 87 -4.2
SG 06-07 31.4 TOR 73% 92 +8.7 62 83 109.7 86 52.4% 94 13.9% 3 23.6% 23 22.0 84 101.0 60 49.0% 76 17.4% 74 27.3% 96 19.3
SF 06-07 31.4 TOR 27% 66 +2.2 47 81 109.9 60 50.2% 87 14.0% 15 25.6% 88 30.2 42 107.7 29 51.3% 60 16.5% 48 29.3% 68 23.5
On Court 07-08 32.4 TOR 2616 69 +2.8 48 80 110.8 83 51.7% 97 12.4% 9 24.6% 32 21.2 45 108.0 32 50.9% 40 14.7% 66 28.0% 90 19.2
On/Off Diff 07-08 32.4 TOR 2616 64 +1.8 +5 80 +3.7 79 +1.7% 86 -1.6% 9 -3.4% 88 +4.3 30 +1.9 47 +0.1% 18 -1.4% 25 +1.9% 85 -3.9
SG 07-08 32.4 TOR 97% 66 +3.2 49 76 110.6 83 51.8% 95 12.4% 4 24.5% 26 20.5 54 107.4 36 50.8% 49 14.9% 65 28.0% 90 18.3
SF 07-08 32.4 TOR 3% -6.7 26 118.2 50.0% 11.4% 27.9% 38.7 124.9 55.5% 10.5% 27.3% 43.8
On Court 08-09 33.4 TOR 2624 51 -1.4 37 54 107.6 58 50.2% 77 14.2% 10 25.4% 55 23.7 45 109.0 28 51.6% 34 14.5% 72 27.6% 93 19.2
On/Off Diff 08-09 33.4 TOR 2624 73 +3.3 +8 66 +1.5 63 +0.6% 72 -0.6% 20 -2.2% 74 +2.2 67 -1.8 32 +0.9% 72 +0.8% 73 -1.3% 75 -2.5
PG 08-09 33.4 TOR 10% 83 +6.7 58 74 110.1 45 49.8% 49 15.4% 83 31.9% 87 28.4 85 103.4 60 49.8% 38 14.6% 97 23.6% 86 19.8
SG 08-09 33.4 TOR 89% 45 -1.9 36 48 107.4 57 50.4% 81 14.1% 7 24.7% 54 23.2 41 109.3 29 51.6% 40 14.4% 57 28.1% 91 18.9
SF 08-09 33.4 TOR 1% -30.4 2 100.0 43.8% 12.7% 27.5% 24.6 130.4 66.3% 18.8% 25.0% 40.4
On Court 09-10 34.4 CLE 2277 97 +10.2 65 92 113.3 95 54.6% 62 14.9% 23 26.6% 68 23.9 86 103.1 83 48.3% 18 14.0% 91 26.2% 74 21.2
On/Off Diff 09-10 34.4 CLE 2277 81 +4.5 +9 70 +1.9 86 +2.3% 64 -0.6% 11 -3.6% 30 -1.9 75 -2.6 57 -0.4% 56 +0.3% 45 +0.1% 69 -1.7
PG 09-10 34.4 CLE 3% +28.5 81 115.0 57.9% 15.0% 22.6% 25.9 86.5 36.4% 14.2% 28.9% 21.7
SG 09-10 34.4 CLE 86% 91 +8.2 61 84 112.5 94 54.7% 53 15.2% 20 26.3% 51 22.7 77 104.4 66 49.4% 21 14.0% 81 26.2% 84 19.8
SF 09-10 34.4 CLE 11% 100 +21.2 77 100 118.7 85 52.6% 93 12.7% 63 29.6% 98 32.8 99 97.5 100 42.8% 19 13.8% 91 25.4% 5 32.7
On Court 10-11 35.4 CLE 2076 24 -6.8 24 24 102.8 22 47.8% 59 15.1% 25 26.8% 44 22.1 35 109.6 31 51.3% 23 14.4% 57 28.5% 73 21.8
On/Off Diff 10-11 35.4 CLE 2076 84 +6.1 +11 59 +0.5 72 +1.2% 47 +0.3% 33 -1.2% 25 -2.5 90 -5.6 85 -2.4% 46 -0.1% 69 -1.3% 53 0.0
SG 10-11 35.4 CLE 68% 6 -10.7 16 8 99.7 12 47.2% 34 15.9% 28 26.8% 14 19.1 29 110.4 30 51.2% 22 14.2% 46 29.2% 82 20.9
SF 10-11 35.4 CLE 32% 62 +1.3 44 69 109.4 37 49.2% 93 13.2% 27 26.5% 90 28.6 47 108.0 30 51.5% 37 14.7% 73 27.2% 53 23.4
On Court 11-12 36.4 CLE 1276 13 -10.0 17 34 101.5 51 48.4% 32 16.8% 50 29.5% 19 17.9 7 111.4 1 54.2% 37 15.3% 63 28.8% 87 17.5
On/Off Diff 11-12 36.4 CLE 1276 31 -3.9 -8 59 +0.5 91 +3.4% 56 -0.1% 10 -3.9% 2 -7.4 15 +4.3 2 +5.5% 66 +0.6% 86 -2.7% 90 -4.4
SG 11-12 36.4 CLE 91% 11 -10.6 16 28 100.3 39 48.0% 24 17.1% 47 29.3% 18 17.5 12 110.9 2 53.8% 42 15.5% 46 29.5% 91 16.3
SF 11-12 36.4 CLE 9% 38 -3.3 33 92 112.6 87 52.1% 83 14.2% 69 31.1% 52 21.4 2 115.9 0 58.4% 11 13.4% 100 21.0% 7 28.9
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