Carlos Arroyo
6'2" point45.4 years old

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Offensive Overview

Offensive Overview

The orange/blue numbers show the player's percentile rank in that stat relative to their position.
Click on those percentiles to see players who rank ahead and behind of the player in that stat.
Year Age Team Pos GP GS MIN MPG Usage PSA AST% AST:Usg TOV%
03-04 24.3 UTA Point 71 71 2000 28.2 90 23.5% 79 119.8 73 32.9% 45 1.40 56 15.4%
04-05 25.3 UTA Point 30 16 739 24.6 56 20.5% 31 108.9 81 34.5% 76 1.68 43 16.3%
DET Point 40 0 654 16.3 52 20.0% 30 108.7 67 31.6% 70 1.58 19 18.1%
04-05 DET Point 18 0 134 7.4 59 20.3% 0 78.1 82 41.5% 94 2.04 41 15.1%
05-06 26.3 DET Point 50 0 525 10.5 63 22.5% 10 85.6 92 39.1% 96 1.74 19 16.2%
ORL Point 27 0 584 21.6 81 25.6% 85 113.5 38 23.6% 10 0.92 71 11.8%
06-07 27.3 ORL Point 72 5 1256 17.4 83 25.3% 47 103.7 60 28.5% 28 1.13 64 12.5%
06-07 ORL Point 3 0 40 13.4 22.1% 71.4 28.6% 1.29 5.9%
07-08 28.3 ORL Point 61 20 1216 19.9 42 20.6% 81 111.3 52 26.6% 55 1.29 61 13.1%
07-08 ORL Point 4 0 30 7.5 15.6% 120.0 26.7% 1.71 31.6%
09-10 30.3 MIA Point 69 35 1503 21.8 10 16.3% 45 104.0 22 22.6% 76 1.39 98 9.6%
09-10 MIA Point 5 5 111 22.2 0 12.8% 7 91.7 13 16.2% 53 1.26 87 10.2%
10-11 31.3 MIA Point 46 42 963 20.9 5 14.1% 79 111.3 3 14.5% 16 1.03 62 13.9%
BOS Combo 13 1 171 13.1 4 16.3% 14 94.7 33 19.2% 71 1.18 4 25.2%
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