League Summary

2019-20 playoffs

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Last 2 Weeks
Team Point Diff W L Win% Exp W82 Exp W Win Diff Offense Defense Spread Diff W L Point Diff Offense Defense Spread Diff
Average -- 2.2 2.2 -- -- -- -- 113.4 113.4 -- 2.2 2.2 -- 113.4 113.4 --
Toronto 1 +19.4 4 0 100.0% 75.2 3.7 7 0.3 2 122.6 3 103.3 1 +8.9 4 0 1 +19.4 2 122.6 3 103.3 1 +8.9
LA Lakers 2 +14.2 4 1 80.0% 70.4 4.3 10 -0.3 7 117.2 2 103.0 7 +2.4 4 1 2 +14.2 7 117.2 2 103.0 7 +2.4
Boston 3 +11.6 4 0 100.0% 66.5 3.2 5 0.8 6 118.2 6 106.6 4 +5.9 4 0 3 +11.6 6 118.2 6 106.6 4 +5.9
Milwaukee 4 +10.8 4 1 80.0% 65.9 4.0 9 -0.0 10 113.4 1 102.5 12 -4.2 4 1 4 +10.8 10 113.4 1 102.5 12 -4.2
Miami 5 +10.6 4 0 100.0% 65.1 3.2 1 0.8 9 114.7 5 104.1 5 +5.6 4 0 5 +10.6 9 114.7 5 104.1 5 +5.6
Utah 6 +10.2 3 2 60.0% 62.1 3.8 15 -0.8 1 131.1 13 120.9 2 +7.8 3 2 6 +10.2 1 131.1 13 120.9 2 +7.8
Houston 7 +8.9 3 2 60.0% 62.3 3.8 16 -0.8 11 112.8 4 103.9 3 +7.0 3 2 7 +8.9 11 112.8 4 103.9 3 +7.0
LA Clippers 8 +7.5 3 2 60.0% 58.0 3.5 13 -0.5 3 122.2 10 114.7 8 +2.2 3 2 8 +7.5 3 122.2 10 114.7 8 +2.2
Memphis 9 -2.9 0 1 0.0% 34.1 0.4 12 -0.4 5 118.4 14 121.4 9 +2.0 0 1 9 -2.9 5 118.4 14 121.4 9 +2.0
Dallas 10 -7.5 2 3 40.0% 24.0 1.5 6 0.5 8 114.7 15 122.2 10 -2.2 2 3 10 -7.5 8 114.7 15 122.2 10 -2.2
Oklahoma City 11 -8.9 2 3 40.0% 19.7 1.2 3 0.8 15 103.9 7 112.8 15 -7.0 2 3 11 -8.9 15 103.9 7 112.8 15 -7.0
Denver 12 -10.2 2 3 40.0% 19.9 1.2 4 0.8 4 120.9 17 131.1 16 -7.8 2 3 12 -10.2 4 120.9 17 131.1 16 -7.8
Indiana 13 -10.6 0 4 0.0% 16.9 0.8 17 -0.8 14 104.1 9 114.7 13 -5.6 0 4 13 -10.6 14 104.1 9 114.7 13 -5.6
Orlando 14 -10.8 1 4 20.0% 16.1 1.0 8 0.0 17 102.5 8 113.4 6 +4.2 1 4 14 -10.8 17 102.5 8 113.4 6 +4.2
Portland 15 -11.1 2 4 33.3% 16.4 1.2 2 0.8 13 106.4 11 117.5 11 -2.3 2 4 15 -11.1 13 106.4 11 117.5 11 -2.3
Philadelphia 16 -11.6 0 4 0.0% 15.5 0.8 14 -0.8 12 106.6 12 118.2 14 -5.9 0 4 16 -11.6 12 106.6 12 118.2 14 -5.9
Brooklyn 17 -19.4 0 4 0.0% 6.8 0.3 11 -0.3 16 103.3 16 122.6 17 -8.9 0 4 17 -19.4 16 103.3 16 122.6 17 -8.9
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