League Summary

2010-11 regular season

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The orange/blue numbers show the team's rank in that stat for the season.
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Last 2 Weeks
Team Point Diff W L Win% Exp W82 Exp W Win Diff Offense Defense W L Point Diff Offense Defense
Average -- 41.0 41.0 -- -- -- -- 107.4 107.4 4.2 4.2 -- 108.2 108.2
Miami 1 +9.4 58 24 70.7% 63.3 63.3 28 -5.3 2 112.5 5 103.1 7 1 1 +14.2 1 116.7 8 102.6
Chicago 2 +8.7 62 20 75.6% 62.6 62.6 17 -0.6 11 108.8 1 100.0 9 0 2 +12.0 4 113.3 5 101.3
LA Lakers 3 +7.7 57 25 69.5% 60.1 60.1 24 -3.1 4 111.4 6 103.6 4 5 12 +3.0 24 104.9 6 101.9
Orlando 4 +6.9 52 30 63.4% 58.5 58.5 30 -6.5 10 108.8 3 101.9 5 3 5 +6.7 20 105.7 1 99.0
San Antonio 5 +6.4 61 21 74.4% 57.0 57.0 2 4.0 3 111.7 9 105.3 4 4 10 +3.4 3 113.4 18 110.0
Boston 6 +6.4 56 26 68.3% 57.6 57.6 20 -1.6 17 106.7 2 100.3 5 4 9 +3.5 26 104.3 3 100.9
Denver 7 +5.3 50 32 61.0% 54.3 54.3 26 -4.3 1 112.7 16 107.4 6 3 4 +7.5 11 109.7 7 102.3
Dallas 8 +4.9 57 25 69.5% 53.7 53.7 8 3.3 8 109.8 8 104.9 5 4 15 +1.0 22 105.4 9 104.5
Oklahoma City 9 +4.1 55 27 67.1% 51.4 51.4 5 3.6 6 111.1 14 107.0 6 3 7 +5.2 5 112.5 15 107.3
Memphis 10 +2.8 46 36 56.1% 48.3 48.3 21 -2.3 13 108.2 10 105.5 5 3 3 +8.4 12 109.6 4 101.2
Houston 11 +2.2 43 39 52.4% 46.6 46.6 25 -3.6 5 111.2 18 109.0 4 4 13 +2.9 15 108.3 10 105.5
Philadelphia 12 +1.8 41 41 50.0% 45.8 45.8 27 -4.8 18 106.5 7 104.7 3 5 17 -0.5 23 105.2 11 105.7
Portland 13 +1.7 48 34 58.5% 45.5 45.5 10 2.5 12 108.6 13 106.9 5 3 16 -0.4 7 110.7 22 111.1
New York 14 +0.8 42 40 51.2% 43.2 43.2 19 -1.2 7 110.9 21 110.0 6 2 6 +6.2 2 116.1 17 109.9
New Orleans 15 +0.6 46 36 56.1% 42.7 42.7 7 3.3 20 106.3 11 105.7 4 4 23 -4.2 17 107.9 23 112.0
Atlanta 16 -0.8 44 38 53.7% 38.9 38.9 1 5.1 19 106.4 15 107.2 2 6 28 -9.8 28 102.9 24 112.8
Phoenix 17 -0.9 40 42 48.8% 38.7 38.7 12 1.3 9 109.4 23 110.3 4 5 22 -4.0 8 110.2 26 114.2
Milwaukee 18 -1.3 35 47 42.7% 37.4 37.4 22 -2.4 30 101.3 4 102.5 6 3 11 +3.3 27 103.9 2 100.6
Indiana 19 -1.7 37 45 45.1% 36.4 36.4 14 0.6 23 104.6 12 106.3 4 3 8 +3.9 9 109.8 12 105.9
Utah 20 -2.1 39 43 47.6% 35.6 35.6 6 3.4 15 108.1 22 110.2 3 4 21 -3.6 21 105.5 16 109.1
Golden State 21 -2.3 36 46 43.9% 34.9 34.9 13 1.1 14 108.2 24 110.6 4 3 14 +2.3 13 109.4 14 107.1
LA Clippers 22 -3.6 32 50 39.0% 31.6 31.6 15 0.4 22 105.6 19 109.1 3 5 24 -6.0 30 100.9 13 107.0
Detroit 23 -3.9 30 52 36.6% 31.0 31.0 18 -1.0 16 108.0 28 111.9 4 5 19 -1.4 6 112.3 25 113.7
Charlotte 24 -4.1 34 48 41.5% 30.1 30.1 3 3.9 25 103.8 17 107.9 3 6 27 -7.3 19 107.1 27 114.4
Sacramento 25 -5.6 24 58 29.3% 26.5 26.5 23 -2.5 26 103.6 20 109.2 3 6 25 -6.1 25 104.3 20 110.5
Minnesota 26 -7.3 17 65 20.7% 22.8 22.8 29 -5.8 24 104.0 27 111.3 0 8 30 -17.8 29 102.4 29 120.1
Toronto 27 -7.9 22 60 26.8% 21.9 21.9 16 0.1 21 105.8 30 113.7 2 7 26 -7.1 16 108.1 28 115.2
New Jersey 28 -7.9 24 58 29.3% 21.4 21.4 9 2.6 27 102.9 25 110.9 1 8 29 -10.9 14 109.3 30 120.2
Washington 29 -8.9 23 59 28.0% 19.4 19.4 4 3.6 29 102.0 26 110.9 5 4 20 -2.9 18 107.2 19 110.1
Cleveland 30 -10.0 19 63 23.2% 17.5 17.5 11 1.5 28 102.6 29 112.6 4 5 18 -1.2 10 109.8 21 111.0
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